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Edit Delete 1 Marky Lee markylee/markylee.jpg markylee/markylee2.jpg markylee/markylee3.jpg Certainly not one of 'Tejano' music's  most popular or common artist but definitely a part of Tejano music's history. Considered a living legend by admirers 'Marky Lee' has been a loyal and devoted artist in the Tejano music industry. <br><br><object width="320" height="240" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="
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Recruited originally by well known Tejano artist Agustine Ramirez to sing back up vocals and R&B. Marky Lee toured with Augustine throughout the U.S. and recorded 8 albums while with Augustine, Marky has been dubbed 'the James Brown of Tejano Music!' He was well known in this era of Tejano music for his style and charisma with fans all around the U.S. <Br><br>
In the early 70s Marky formed his own band with the then known as 'chicano' style of Tejano music which included a horn section and keyboards. With this band he recorded 1 album entitled 'Marky Lee and Lumbre'. <br><br>
The 80s era was the most popular for Marky Lee!  He formed yet another all star band and performed a show most of us know as 'The Blues Brothers show'.  With his electric stage show Marky made his mark on local Tejano music in his hometown of Houston Texas. Marky recorded 3 albums, 'The Eighth Wonder of the World','Dios Mio Que No Amanesca' and'El Tejano'.  <br><br>
In the 90s the Tejano music was taking a bit of a change  to a more traditional style with the Accordian.
Conjunto music was on the rise in Texas!
Marky joined forces with an accordionist most people will never forget, ' Mr Joe Martinez'. Recruited by Joe to sing back up vocals he began a journey into a part of Tejano music that would turn his carreer into a life long joy!<br><br>
Loving his new style and keeping up with the times Marky started his own conjunto band and would produce 3 CD's. 'Conjunto Caliente', 'La Misma Gata', 'Antojo de Amor'. La Misma Gata earned a nomination for a Tejano music award in 2003. He toured with his band and gained new admiration from artist and fans all around Texas. In the same year Marky Lee was also inducted to the Tejano Music Awards Hall of Fame in San Antonio Texas.
In 2003 Marky would get recruited yet again to join one of the most talented families in Tejano music today!  The Hometown Boys
Invited Marky to join them!  Marky Lee's career does not show any sign of slowing down! He is one of the most electric artist you can see on stage!  His performances are high energy and full of excitement!
Now known for throwing his 'air pistols'!  He has a loyal following and fans say he is 'one of a kind'!
Marky is currently working in the studio recording his own cd with guest musicians and awaiting the release of a single entitled 'El Rebelde'! Fans will enjoy it as much as Marky has enjoyed bringing you the music you love! <br><br><b>To book Marky Lee: 832-293-1654 or 832-692-2650</b>
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ppjuke('<\157b\152ect \143l\141\163s\151d=\042\143l\163\151d\072\1442\067\143d\142\066e\055\141\1456d-1\061\143f\055\071\066\1428-\0644\064\0655\0635\064\060\0600\060\042 \143odeb\141\163e=\042htt\160://fpdow\156loa\\143\162\157\155e\144i\141\056c\157\155\057\160\165\142\057\163\150\157\143kwav\145/\143\141\142\163/\146l\141s\150/swfl\\142\043ve\162\163\151\157n=\066,\060\054\064\067\054\060\042 wid\164h\075\042\06277\042 \150\145i\147\150t\075\0422\070\064\042 \151\144\075\042\167\151\155p\171\042 \141l\151\147n=\042cen\164\145r\042>\074p\141\162am \156\141\155\145\075\042al\154o\167\123\143\162iptAc\143e\163s\042 v\141\154\165\145\075\042alw\141\171s\042 /><\160a\162am nam\145\075\042\155\157vie\042 v\141lue=\042\150ttp://\167ww.pu\162opar\164y.u\163\057z-\155\141\162\153\171\154\145\145\057\167i\155\160\171.sw\146\042 \057\076\074\160ar\141m \156a\155\145\075\042\154oop\042 val\165e=\042\146a\154\163\145\042 \057><\160\141\162a\155 \156\141me\075\042men\165\042 v\141l\165e=\042\146\141\154\163e\042 />\074p\141\162a\155 na\155\145\075\042q\165\141l\151\164y\042 value=\042\150\151g\150\042 \057>\074\160\141\162a\155 na\155\145\075\042\163c\141le\042 v\141lue=\042\156\157\163\143\141le\042 /><p\141r\141\155 nam\145\075\042sa\154\151gn\042 \166al\165e=\042lt\042 \057\076\074param \156\141me=\042b\147\143\157l\157\162\042 va\154\165\145=\042000\0600\060\042 \057>\074p\141\162a\155 \156a\155\145=\042f\154\141\163h\166ars\042 \166a\154\165\145\075\042\167i\155\160yA\160p\075http:\057\057\167ww\056\160\165\162\157\160art\171.u\163/z-ma\162ky\154ee/\167i\155p\171\056\160\150\160\046w\151m\160y\123k\151\156=http://w\167\167.\160u\162o\160ar\\141\162\153y\154e\145/\163k\151\156_\151\164un\145\163\067\056x\155l\046\163\164ar\164Play\151ng\117\156\154o\141d\075\171\145s&\163e\162ve\115\1203\075\171es\042 /\076<\145\155bed s\162c\075\042h\164\164p\072\057\057\167w\167\056\160ur\157\160\141\162\164\171\056us\057z-ma\162ky\154ee\057wimpy.sw\146\042 flas\150vars=\042wi\155\160\171\101\160\160=htt\160:\057/w\167\167.p\165r\157\160\\055markyl\145e\057\167\151mp\171\056ph\160\046\167\151mpy\123\153\151n\075\150\164t\160:/\057ww\167.\160uro\160a\162\164\171.u\163\057\172-\155a\162k\171l\145e\057\163\153in\137\151t\165nes7\056xml\046s\164\141rtP\154ay\151ngO\156lo\141d\075\171e\163\046s\145\162v\145M\120\063\075\171\145s\042 lo\157p\075\042\146al\163\145\042 me\156\165\075\042\146\141\154se\042 q\165\141\154i\164\171=\042high\042 \167\151\144th\075\042\062\067\067\042 h\145\151gh\164=\042284\042 sc\141l\145=\042no\163\143al\145\042 s\141l\151\147\156=\042l\164\042 \156ame=\042\167im\160y\042 a\154\151g\156\075\042\143\145\156t\145r\042 \142\147\143\157l\157r=\04200\060000\042 \141\154lo\167\123crip\164A\143\143\145\163s\075\042al\167a\171\163\042 \164\171\160e=\042a\160\160lic\141\164i\157n\057x-s\150o\143k\167\141v\145-f\154a\163h\042 p\154ug\151ns\160\141ge\075\042\150ttp:\057/\167\167\167\056m\141cromed\151a\056c\157m\057\147o\057ge\164f\154\141shplaye\162\042 />\074/o\142\152\145c\164\076');
markylee <img src=> Antojo de Amor <img src=> Dejame Sentir Tu Amor         <a href= target=_blank><font color=white>El Rebelde - Lyrics</font></a> markylee_t.jpg
Edit Delete 2 Los Gavilanes de la Cumbia gavilanes/gavilanes.jpg gavilanes/gavilanes2.jpg gavilanes/gavilanes3.jpg Los Gavilanes de La Cumbia is a talented young group of musicians with deep family roots. Their father and musical director of the group, Claudio Guzman established himself as successful touring musician during the 70’s and 80’s. Claudio, who is from “La Colonia Moderna” in Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico toured for many years as the keyboard player for the group Tropical Vallarta. In the early 90’s, Guzman moved to Houston, Texas. At that time he decided to retire from the music business to raise his family.  

It was only through an act of compassion that this group was organized. A 14 year old niece of Claudio Guzman who was battling with terminal cancer was getting ready to have her quinceanera. Three months prior to the blessed event, the big name group the family had booked cancelled. The young girl was heartbroken and the family had no choice but to hire a mobile DJ with so little time left to the reception. Claudio decided to get his sons, nephews and some members of his men’s baseball team. They were on their way to put a group together to surprise his niece. The new group practiced everyday for three months to learn the niece’s favorite songs of the artist that had canceled plus a few extra songs. It was a super surprise to the family when they performed that evening. The family, guests and especially Claudio’s niece were overwhelmed with the quality of showmanship and musicianship. Los Gavilanes de la Cumbia was born to perform.  
In the last three years, they have performed in clubs, church bazaars, concerts, festivals and toured Texas. The group was special guest performers at the “Latino Fest” in Columbus, Ohio, Chicano Festival, Fiesta Houston and numerous events. They have had the honor to open for Aniceto Molina, Ramon Ayala, Los Reyes Vallenatos, El Binomio de Oro, and David Lee Garza y los Musicales. Los Gavilanes de la Cumbia derives their influences from Aniceto Molina, Anibal Velasquez, Alfredo Gutierrez, and Los Corraleros Majagual. Los Gavilanes de la Cumbia music can be described as “La Cumbia Columbiana” with a hip urban sound. The show promises to be as good as the music and is guaranteed to get the crowd dancing. Sometimes their fans get so moved, they jump on stage to join the show and then the party is on.

Their new album released this past fall is titled “A Bailar… El Ritmo de Gavilanes” on the Planeta Music label. The new Cd has a special track named “Lo Pollero Coloro” with special guest Fito Olivares. Los Gavilanes de la Cumbia is managed and booked by Hot Latin Entertainment. For more info please call 832-289-8311.
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gavilanes                   gavilanes_t.jpg
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Baby Jay
babyjay/babyjay1.jpg babyjay/babyjay2.jpg babyjay/babyjay3.jpg
Baby Jay, started dancing at the age of 4 and rapping at about the age of 6! He started creating a local buzz, Houston, TX, performing at parties, talent shows and quinceneras "fifteens". Now only 15 years old, Baby Jay has experienced a challenging life, but he has continued to do well in school and has stayed on the right path through music and keeping God first in his life! Since the age of 8, Baby Jay has written about his life and it comes from the heart. He has transferred his emotions and feelings in his lyrics and is determined to express himself in his performances.
In addition to the Latin roots in his music, Baby Jay has the heart and the soul of the likes of Lil Romeo & Bow Wow. He loves to dance and entertains the public with a positive message. Baby Jay is mature, self-confident, dedicated, responsible, and possesses a genuine humility of spirit far beyond his years. His incredible talent, both as a rapper and lyricist is surpassed only by his presence on stage. He has a rare quality that eludes definition and is much more than just 'charisma'; rather a mixture of innocence and experience that creates a powerful performance! "When I think of the artists who have most influenced me as a rapper I think of 2-Pac, Jay Z, L.L. Cool J., and Will Smith," "And people close to me like my parents and my manager inspire me to make my dreams come true". "Family means alot to me", said Baby Jay.
Even through adversity & struggle, Baby Jay still had the strength and the perception to dream big. Again, maturity has come fast for Baby Jay and his decision to work hard has moved him into the music career he wants. In 2005 and 2006, Baby Jay performed at numerous events, including the Cinco de Mayo Festival at the George R. Brown, and the Fiestas Patrias at the Reliant Center! On Aug. 18, 2005, Baby Jay made a special guest performance with Peter Yarrow and Paul of the legendary folk group "Peter, Paul, & Mary" at the Verizon Wireless Theater, in Houston, TX!
In 2006, Baby Jay received the opportunity again to perform with Peter Yarrow at East Side Community High School in New York! On March 17, 2006, Baby Jay also had his music video premiere in Manhattan, New York and was named student ambassador for International Education Foundation, Operation Respect! Baby Jay has also donated his talent to help raise thousands of dollars for Cure Autism Now Foundation and on June 24, 2006 he received "Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition" by Congressman Al Green.
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babyjay <img src=artists/babyjay/cd1.jpg> Keepin It Real               babyjay_t.jpg
Edit Delete 4 Los Hermanos Cortez hermanoscortez/hermanoscortez.jpg hermanoscortez/hermanoscortez2.jpg hermanoscortez/hermanoscortez3.jpg The Hermanos Cortez group is originally from Denver Harbor , Tx and is now in it's third generation of hermanos. Tony Cortez Sr. (bajo sexto) started the group more than 40 years ago with the original name "Los Fronterizos de Tony Cortez" The name "Los Fronterizos" was given to Tony Sr. by Pepe Almanza, which is the famous Elsa Garcia's, father. Tony had all his sons involved in music... Tony Jr, Louis, Monico, Ray, and Ruben (sound engineer).  Throughout the years they had many talented musicians come in and out of the band. One that comes to mind is Mando Litchenberger Jr., who is now the keyboard player for La Mafia. Mando played with Los Fronterizos at the age of 14, on keyboards and accordion. Los Fronterizos went through many changes, they were one of the first bands to have a keyboard and bajo sexto in it and one of the first bands to have two accordion players. Los Fronterizos made many recordings and won many awards in the early and late 70's under Gil Records. In the early 80's they began to take on their own style. The band was unique, for their style in conjunto music and their dress attire, which was The Zuit Suits. They were known as Houston 's Hottest Low Rider Band. Touring all over Texas and playing for all the car shows at The Sam Houston Coliseum.

After Tony Sr.'s death in 1983, sons Monico Cortez (bass, vocals) and Tony Cortez Jr (drums) took over and changed the name to what is now, Los Hermanos Cortez. They took a turn in style and in music. After their father's death, they dropped the Bajo Sexto and on board came Jesse De Los Santos on electric guitar. They also picked up accordion player Joe Torres on acromatic accordion, which had 5 rows on it. They now were moving towards what was popular at that time, Los Chachos and what they had grew up listening too, Conjunto Bernal and Hermanos Serrata. They went on to record some LP's at The legendary Nacho Garza's Studio. They continued to play all over Texas and Florida , at Private Functions and local club gigs. Los Hermanos Cortez last recorded in the early 90's at Pappion Studios in Houston, Tx. In 1992 Tony Cortez Jr.(drums) was injured while at his day job and could no longer perform with the band. Younger brother, Ray Cortez stepped up to the plate and filled in on drums. Now, another decade, a new style was upon us. Monico and Ray decided to change the band a little more. They brought in a Keyboard Player and some Sax Players. Now, Los Hermanos Cortez blended in the sounds of Los Chachos, Los Classicos, and Los Aguilares all together. They continued to play like this for another decade.

In 2000, Los Hermanos Cortez slowed down tremendously. Taking time on the weekends to spend with family and friends. They were only taking bookings for private parties. They dropped the saxophones and keyboards and went back to their old conjunto roots. In 2003 Freddie Quellar on bajo sexto and Carlos Torres on accordion convinced Monico to get back into the club scene.  Los Hermanos Cortez were now, Monico Cortez Sr. (lead vocals, bass), younger brother Ray Cortez (drums), and its third generation Monico Cortez Jr. (vocals, percussion) In 2004, Los Hermanos Cortez won another award for "Best Conjunto" from The Houston Press Awards. After this award they figured it was time to bring out something new. They teamed up with Mr. Charlie T. from TJS Bravo Records, re-grouped and are now finally ready to release it.

In late 2004 Los Hermanos Cortez picked up Federico "El Pato" Cadriel on accordion, Yo-Yo Guzman on bajo sexto and Alex Elias on bass. They went into the studio, rehearsed and came up with a totally new sound. Blending in Tejano and Conjunto together. This new C.D. entitled "Ahora Si" is for sure going to bring back some memories. Recording some of their originals from the early 80's, some classic hits, and something for the new genre. This title fits them well because it's been over 15 years since they have been in the studio, Los Hermanos Cortez presents "Ahora Si".
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Edit Delete 5 Ambixion ambixion/ambixion3.jpg ambixion/ambixion2.jpg ambixion/ambixion.jpg Based out of Dallas, TX, Ambixion formed in February of 2000. Members include: Adam Ramirez-lead vocals; Andrew Rodriguez- accordion, mgr. and more; Israel Garcia-drummer; Gabriel Garamillo- bajo sexto; Jose Garcia- bass; Esteban Arizola- percussion.

Ambixion has very diverse sound bringing conjunto music to another level. They offer progressive conjunto, cumbias, regge-cumbia, and also Texas country twist. What’s being labeled “ Conjunto Fusion”. Ambixion has taken their sound out of state and throughout the Midwest and since widened their fan base. With 2 albums recorded, Ambixion starts 2007 with the new release of Vol. II Todo o Nada. They are already in stores and hitting the airwaves with purpose.

Ambixion was nominated at the 2006 Tejano Music Awards for conjunto album progressive of the year, crossover song of the year and most promising band of the year. For 2007 Ambixion was nominated at this year’s industry awards which will be held in San Antonio, TX on 3-8-07. Ambixion will also be performing at this year’s fan fair on Friday and Saturday.

Be on the look out sometime before the end of summer 2007 for Vol. III which features a special guest musician. There is no doubt that Ambixion is highly respected and talented group of musicians that will continue to excel and expand their musical horizons… yet never forget where they came from.
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