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Rows: 20

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puroparty.artists.id 1 6 1 1 0 0 3.5000 1.7078 ENUM('1','2','3','4','5','6') NOT NULL
puroparty.artists.name \r\nBaby Jay Reflejo 7 26 0 0 13.1667 NULL ENUM('\r\nBaby Jay','Ambixion','Los Gavilanes de la Cumbia','Los Hermanos Cortez','Marky Lee','Reflejo') NOT NULL
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puroparty.artists.bio \r\nBaby Jay, started dancing at the age of 4 and rapping at about the age of 6! He started creating a local buzz, Houston, TX, performing at parties, talent shows and quinceneras "fifteens". Now only 15 years old, Baby Jay has experienced a challenging life, but he has continued to do well in school and has stayed on the right path through music and keeping God first in his life! Since the age of 8, Baby Jay has written about his life and it comes from the heart. He has transferred his emotions and feelings in his lyrics and is determined to express himself in his performances. \r\n<br><br>\r\nIn addition to the Latin roots in his music, Baby Jay has the heart and the soul of the likes of Lil Romeo & Bow Wow. He loves to dance and entertains the public with a positive message. Baby Jay is mature, self-confident, dedicated, responsible, and possesses a genuine humility of spirit far beyond his years. His incredible talent, both as a rapper and lyricist is surpassed only by his presence on stage. He has a rare quality that eludes definition and is much more than just 'charisma'; rather a mixture of innocence and experience that creates a powerful performance! "When I think of the artists who have most influenced me as a rapper I think of 2-Pac, Jay Z, L.L. Cool J., and Will Smith," "And people close to me like my parents and my manager inspire me to make my dreams come true". "Family means alot to me", said Baby Jay. \r\n<br><br>\r\nEven through adversity & struggle, Baby Jay still had the strength and the perception to dream big. Again, maturity has come fast for Baby Jay and his decision to work hard has moved him into the music career he wants. In 2005 and 2006, Baby Jay performed at numerous events, including the Cinco de Mayo Festival at the George R. Brown, and the Fiestas Patrias at the Reliant Center! On Aug. 18, 2005, Baby Jay made a special guest performance with Peter Yarrow and Paul of the legendary folk group "Peter, Paul, & Mary" at the Verizon Wireless Theater, in Houston, TX! \r\n<br><br>\r\nIn 2006, Baby Jay received the opportunity again to perform with Peter Yarrow at East Side Community High School in New York! On March 17, 2006, Baby Jay also had his music video premiere in Manhattan, New York and was named student ambassador for International Education Foundation, Operation Respect! Baby Jay has also donated his talent to help raise thousands of dollars for Cure Autism Now Foundation and on June 24, 2006 he received "Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition" by Congressman Al Green. The Hermanos Cortez group is originally from Denver Harbor , Tx and is now in it's third generation of hermanos. Tony Cortez Sr. (bajo sexto) started the group more than 40 years ago with the original name "Los Fronterizos de Tony Cortez" The name "Los Fronterizos" was given to Tony Sr. by Pepe Almanza, which is the famous Elsa Garcia's, father. Tony had all his sons involved in music... Tony Jr, Louis, Monico, Ray, and Ruben (sound engineer).  Throughout the years they had many talented musicians come in and out of the band. One that comes to mind is Mando Litchenberger Jr., who is now the keyboard player for La Mafia. Mando played with Los Fronterizos at the age of 14, on keyboards and accordion. Los Fronterizos went through many changes, they were one of the first bands to have a keyboard and bajo sexto in it and one of the first bands to have two accordion players. Los Fronterizos made many recordings and won many awards in the early and late 70's under Gil Records. In the early 80's they began to take on their own style. The band was unique, for their style in conjunto music and their dress attire, which was The Zuit Suits. They were known as Houston 's Hottest Low Rider Band. Touring all over Texas and playing for all the car shows at The Sam Houston Coliseum. \r\n<br><br>\r\n\r\nAfter Tony Sr.'s death in 1983, sons Monico Cortez (bass, vocals) and Tony Cortez Jr (drums) took over and changed the name to what is now, Los Hermanos Cortez. They took a turn in style and in music. After their father's death, they dropped the Bajo Sexto and on board came Jesse De Los Santos on electric guitar. They also picked up accordion player Joe Torres on acromatic accordion, which had 5 rows on it. They now were moving towards what was popular at that time, Los Chachos and what they had grew up listening too, Conjunto Bernal and Hermanos Serrata. They went on to record some LP's at The legendary Nacho Garza's Studio. They continued to play all over Texas and Florida , at Private Functions and local club gigs. Los Hermanos Cortez last recorded in the early 90's at Pappion Studios in Houston, Tx. In 1992 Tony Cortez Jr.(drums) was injured while at his day job and could no longer perform with the band. Younger brother, Ray Cortez stepped up to the plate and filled in on drums. Now, another decade, a new style was upon us. Monico and Ray decided to change the band a little more. They brought in a Keyboard Player and some Sax Players. Now, Los Hermanos Cortez blended in the sounds of Los Chachos, Los Classicos, and Los Aguilares all together. They continued to play like this for another decade. \r\n\r\n<br><br>\r\nIn 2000, Los Hermanos Cortez slowed down tremendously. Taking time on the weekends to spend with family and friends. They were only taking bookings for private parties. They dropped the saxophones and keyboards and went back to their old conjunto roots. In 2003 Freddie Quellar on bajo sexto and Carlos Torres on accordion convinced Monico to get back into the club scene.  Los Hermanos Cortez were now, Monico Cortez Sr. (lead vocals, bass), younger brother Ray Cortez (drums), and its third generation Monico Cortez Jr. (vocals, percussion) In 2004, Los Hermanos Cortez won another award for "Best Conjunto" from The Houston Press Awards. After this award they figured it was time to bring out something new. They teamed up with Mr. Charlie T. from TJS Bravo Records, re-grouped and are now finally ready to release it. \r\n\r\n<br><br>\r\nIn late 2004 Los Hermanos Cortez picked up Federico "El Pato" Cadriel on accordion, Yo-Yo Guzman on bajo sexto and Alex Elias on bass. They went into the studio, rehearsed and came up with a totally new sound. Blending in Tejano and Conjunto together. This new C.D. entitled "Ahora Si" is for sure going to bring back some memories. Recording some of their originals from the early 80's, some classic hits, and something for the new genre. This title fits them well because it's been over 15 years since they have been in the studio, Los Hermanos Cortez presents "Ahora Si". 1410 4045 1 0 2334.6667 NULL TEXT NOT NULL
puroparty.artists.message     0 0 6 0 0.0000 NULL CHAR(0) NOT NULL
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puroparty.artists.folder ambixion reflejo 7 14 0 0 8.8333 NULL ENUM('ambixion','babyjay','gavilanes','hermanoscortez','markylee','reflejo') NOT NULL
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puroparty.artists.lyrics <a href=http://www.puroparty.com/lyricdetail.php?id=588 target=_blank><font color=white>El Rebelde - Lyrics</font></a> <a href=http://www.puroparty.com/lyricdetail.php?id=588 target=_blank><font color=white>El Rebelde - Lyrics</font></a> 118 118 5 0 19.6667 NULL ENUM('','<a href=http://www.puroparty.com/lyricdetail.php?id=588 target=_blank><font color=white>El Rebelde - Lyrics</font></a>') NOT NULL
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