Database: puropartypuroparty
Table: photopost_settingsphotopost_settings

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Edit Delete 37 cright cright     300 0
Edit Delete 84 PhotoPost Version pversion   5.6 53 0
Edit Delete 211 Minutes to cache index page data for featured photos, statistics and PALs? cachetimeout Number of minutes to cache information. Default is 10 minutes, 0 means no caching. 10 36 1
Edit Delete 217 Use category cache? catcache On some larger sites, using the category cache can actually reduce performance. yes 36 1
Edit Delete 208 Orignial Image storage directory server path origfull Typically this path matches your DATA directory server path, unless you want to store your original images seperatly from your thumbnails/medium images. /home/www/puroparty/photos/data/ 35 1
Edit Delete 215 Load limit for server? loadlimit If running *nix and you want to disable your forums when load goes over a certain limit; place the high limit here. 0 35 1
Edit Delete 207 Original Image storage directory URL origdir Typically this path matches your DATA directory URL, unless you want to store your original images seperatly from your thumbnails/medium images. 34 1
Edit Delete 201 Use photo view caching to reduce view update queries on high load sites? viewcache Set this to YES if you want to enable the view caching code which caches photo view updates no 33 1
Edit Delete 198 Use 24 hour time format? timeformat You can elect to have time displayed as HH:MMam or using the 24 hour clock no 32 1
Edit Delete 193 Use popup window for BIG images? bigpopup If you want BIG photos to appear using a popup window, set to yes no 31 5
Edit Delete 178 Path to mysqldump mysqldumppath The full path to your mysqldump executable /usr/bin/mysqldump 30 1
Edit Delete 209 When using on-the-fly image generation, do you want to overlay the watermark image? overwater You can use this feature for on-the-fly watermarks in combination with the on-the-fly image generation. no 30 5
Edit Delete 175 Enable on-the-fly image protection onthefly This option uses the watermark.php script to serve images no 29 5
Edit Delete 177 Directory for backups? backupdir The full path to the directory to store backups   29 1
Edit Delete 155 Show Avatars showavatar When available, show avatars? yes 28 5
Edit Delete 176 Imaging Integration (IM or GD) usegd Select ImageMagick or GD1/GD2 for image processing 2 28 1
Edit Delete 174 Debug Setting debug How do you want PhotoPost to handle errors? 0 27 1
Edit Delete 154 Show signatures? showsigs When available, display signatures? yes 27 5
Edit Delete 170 Enable IP Cache Timeout ipcache This variable is used to track IP addresses and userids for voting and viewing purposes. This is set in HOURS. 0 disables this setting 0 26 1
Edit Delete 210 Default location of the photo previews? filmstrip Determines the location of the film-strip previews on the showphoto page. top 26 5
Edit Delete 138 Enable next and previous photo previews? nextbox   yes 26 5
Edit Delete 169 GMT Offset gmtoffset If you are running VB and want the server to display the time as an offset of GMT (for example, to the timezone where your server is located), enter the offset here. 0 25 1
Edit Delete 131 Show UBBCode on Photo page? showubb   no 25 6
Edit Delete 95 Display headers during SlideShows? slidehead   yes 24 5
Edit Delete 168 Date format ppdateformat Keywords: dow, month, mm, dd, yyyy dow month dd, yyyy 24 1
Edit Delete 204 Mobile Phone Integration: EMail address for images mobemail EMail address users should send their images to   23 6
Edit Delete 167 Enable ZLIB page compression compression Set to on if you want to enable Zlib page compression (and it is supported) 0 23 1
Edit Delete 134 Use Anti-leeching code? right-click Use Right-Click Disable JavaScript to try and prevent right-clicking images no 23 5
Edit Delete 166 BotBuster Integration botbuster Set to yes if you have BotBuster on your system (this includes the necessary tag) no 22 1
Edit Delete 137 Enable slideshows? slideshow   yes 22 5
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