Running rss2html.php from your own webserver: --------------------------------------------- Probably the best way to use rss2html.php is to upload it to your own webserver. This gives you two ways to access the script. First, you can setup a link on your webpage to access the script and resulting webpage. Syntax: http:///rss2html.php?XMLFILE=&TEMPLATE=&MAXITEMS= The above URL should all be on one line, with no spaces. Replace '' with the domain of your website Replace '' with the full URL to your RSS feed (i.e. Replace '' with the full URL to the webpage template you want to use (i.e. Replace '' with the maximum number of items from your RSS feed you want included on the webpage. The MAXITEMS variable is optional. If it is not included, all the RSS feed items will be included. Sample: The second option is to edit the settings inside of the rss2html.php script itself, and then just access the script as if it were a regular webpage. With a text editor open up the rss2html.php file. Look for the line near the beginning that looks like this: $XMLfilename = "sample.xml"; Replace sample.xml with either the local path or full URL to your RSS feed file. Next, find the line that looks like this: $TEMPLATEfilename = "BasicWebpage.htm"; Replace BasicWebpage.htm with either the local path or full URL to your template file. Finally, if you want to specify the maximum number of items to include from your feed, find the line that looks like this: $FeedMaxItems = 10000; Replace 10000 with the maximum number of items you want. Save the file with a new name (what you want to call it on your website), but make sure to keep the .php extension. For example, if you named it 'myfeed.php', you can now access it from your browser by typing: http:///myfeed.php Sample: